
Discovering Middleman's Settings

Middleman is incredibly customizable, and extensions bring even more options to the table. Rather than trying to keep up exhaustive documentation on each and every setting, we've given Middleman the ability to tell you directly what settings are available.

Once your preview service is running, visit http://localhost:4567/__middleman/config/ to see all the settings and extensions available to you. Each one will include the setting name, a short description, the default value, and what your site has it set to.

Changing Settings

The most basic way to change a setting is to use set in your config.rb:

set :js_dir, 'js'

You can also use a somewhat newer syntax:

config[:js_dir] = 'js'

This is used for most of the global settings in Middleman.

Configuring Extensions

Extensions are generally configured when they are activated. For most extensions, you can either pass a hash of options when you activate, or use a block to tweak options:

activate :asset_hash, :exts => %w(.jpg) # Only hash for .jpg

# or:

activate :asset_hash do |opts|
  opts.exts += $(.ico)

Environment-specific Settings

If you want some configuration to apply only during build or development, you can put that in a block:

configure :development do
  set :debug_assets, true

configure :build do
  activate :minify_css