Pretty URLs (Directory Indexes)

By default Middleman will output the files exactly as you have described them in your project. For example a about-us.html.erb file in the source folder will be output as about-us.html when you build the project. If you were to place this project in the root of a web server at, then this page would be accessible at:

Middleman provides the Directory Indexes extension to tell Middleman to create a folder for each .html file and place the built template file as the index of that folder. In your config.rb:

activate :directory_indexes

Now when the above project is built, the about-us.html.erb file will be output as about-us/index.html. When served by a web server that supports "index files" (like Apache, or Amazon S3), the page would be available at:

If you prefer a different file be output, you can use the index_file variable. For example, IIS uses default.html:

set :index_file, "default.html"

Or, you may want a PHP file:

set :index_file, "index.php"

Warning about assets path

When using directory indexes, calling assets (e.g. image files) by their filename only will fail. They need to be called with their full absolute path, like this:

![Amazing picture](/posts/2013-09-23-some-interesting-post/amazing-image.png)

To slightly automate this process, the markdown may be processed by ERB first. For example, in a file named /posts/2013-09-23-some-interesting-post.html.markdown.erb:

![Amazing picture](<%= current_page.url %>some-image.png)


If there are pages which you don't want automatically renamed, you can opt-out:

page "/i-really-want-the-extension.html", :directory_index => false

page works with regexes or file globs if you want to turn off indexes for many files at once.

You can also add a directory_index: false key to your page's Frontmatter to disable directory indexes.

Manual Indexes

If your template file is already named index.html it will pass through Middleman untouched. For example, my-page/index.html.erb will generate my-page/index.html as you would expect.